Thank you ! Expertly described and definitely important . Formal Debate has essentially ceased to exist on any level except well regarded teams in both high schools and colleges nationally. Such a debate team should be encouraged to exist in all Florida high schools as well as of course colleges. New College with its population always scoring in the top percentiles on standardized tests could put those quick minds to the test were they trained in presenting one side or the other in formal debate situations. Tarpon Springs high school in the 1990’s had a nationally ranked debate team. I have no idea if this part of the canon of greatness has survived the Woke Revolution that cancels by design perceiving the point of view of an opposing theory. Therefore yes, bring true debate to New College.

Debate is a well traversed form of discussion - much like Castiglione’s “The Book of the Courtier” which teaches the art of conversation as a graceful exchange of perspectives, or perhaps the study of the childhood and youth of Niels Bohr ( where he heard brilliant discussions from a variety of perspectives) - such unappreciated awareness of speech as style could have an immense influence on youth allowing the most brilliant of youth ( the type scoring high on SAT tests like New College students ) to recognize and acquire methodologies preventing life inside a lonely, Cyclopian cave which echoes only the voice of untrained, narcissistic selfishness - their own.

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I raised a HS Public Forum debater. The 2 students would prepare to argue BOTH sides of the subject matter. Before they would enter the debate room a coin would be flipped. It was possible that during the tournament that the team would argue both sides. A Socratic style debate series starting in April 2023? I’ll buy the subscription and be there. Can’t wait!

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I’m so excited ! This process ( debate) has a history in Socratic life and one of the prerequisites of college debate should be a choice of courses in Socrates and his pupils so that a strong appreciation can be fostered for the gift of reason! ( among other skills)

In fact I was reading the life of Neils Bohr the scientist more responsible than any other for The Academy from which the splitting of the atom and our entire era arose; about his Academy ( it must be studied to create the best for New College) his biographer said the scientific research led by Bohr in Copenhagen was the first time since Aristotle that Academy had been truly applied to the nature of thought ( Bohr never separated philosophy from science for himself) . Further the biographer insisted that a particular dialog of Socrates was present in discussing atomic energy. Isn’t that amazing ? The history of Western thought has much to teach honors students!

And your work with debate ! Please honor that memory by finding ways to attach such a worthy adventure as debate to the core curriculum at New College and perhaps provide scholarships to national and state debate winners . There’s so much fertile ground for this college to become a national foundation for honorable intellectual strength and growth in countless fields of acquiring a superior methodology of academic excellence . I’m so thrilled for us all !

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You do know who Socrates is, right? Arrested by authoritative citizens of Athens on trumped-up charges of corrupting the youth? There is a specific kind of irony called Socratic Irony.

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Missed the board meeting. Did they pass this?

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No it didn't make it to the agenda.

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Was it even considered by the Board? Who decides what gets on the Agenda? But beyond this, you are honorably seeking to put a kind of open dialogue into the future of a college you seek to improve. But as good academicians, your entire Board should consider what you have undertaken within the context of the historical background - see, for example, this by Ms. Cox Richardson: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/march-2-2023

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That stinks. How do you get on the agenda?

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It’s okay if this concept didn’t make the agenda - you are under the new President going to need a board of brilliant minds dedicated singularity to the coursework and suggestions of extra curricular activities that will by design create the best sample of preserving the Western Canon and educating youth who by choice are models of humility, disciplined learning, and compassion for the less gifted - many approaches are available. May the curriculum reflect the thousands of years of mankind’s best research, writing, debating and sharing 🦋🦋🦋

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Why are you intent on budgeting so much for speaking fees and Corcoran’s golden parachute when B Dorm has leaded water?

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Because this whole agenda is for a) headlines and b) handouts to loyalists.

Students don't rank on the list.

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You must not have listened to the last Trustees meeting. You should listen to the meeting…actually. There will be an infusion of 15 million. The next phase of this will be going through the budget and financials..with counsel…and see what projects need to be addressed. Yeah. Listen to the meeting. On YouTube at the NCF page.

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I did listen to the meeting. Jenks admitted she was lying when she said Foundation funding for Corcoran’s $1M package was already settled.

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