Yes! Wokeism Believers share one vow: how to separate anew Good from Evil. They participate in a convocation as mighty as Riefenstahl’s 1938 game, “ Olympia.”

It will be fun someday to sit together with you, sir, for a coffee or tea. Let’s gather and discuss how unique are Wokeism’s the good and the bad.

I won’t explicate here because I am weary of snap judgment and can hear Woke hounds a’howling and the grinding and gnashing of teeth of Woke’s “Grammar Nazi” Brigade, not to forget the Battalion of Nuevo Intellectuals who, needing no Western Canon of Reason, skittle off into the wild blue yonder.

How refreshing your straight-arrow lancing of a hangdog doctrine’s inverted logic! Are they aware Woke’s inverted tautology sticks Human Success in the hot seat of Dante’s lowest circle of evil?

Let’s stay out of range. Snags and splinters prickle Woke’s anti-meritocracy. We’re still free, we got The Beatitudes. So let’s celebrate that old time Religion. It’s good enough for me.

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I say we write as a collective. I'm only superficially acquainted with it's origins (until we go all the way back to the good vs evil binary). But I'm seeing the present harvest and ideological capture in the absurdity of our post modern culture. Please see "future shock" by Alvin Toffler, to get a sense of this through an apolitical lens.

The physical plane

It will probably get worse. Why? In a nutshell, we have become victims of our own success. The differing planes we inhabit, are increasingly differentiated in terms of who inhabits them and who they inhabit. Primeval life is/was on this plane. Not to bother with too many details for what should be obvious. Our anatomy and physiology were sculpted by evolutionary forces predicated on survival. As we've evolved and changed our environment, the old software is still there in the background but it's usually less occupied than it used to be (unless one lives in a very stressful environment that resides outside and inside our own brains. The world, for a growing population is less fraught with the threats of the past, and more consumed with the threats of the present. Humans have probably always been their biggest enemy. They remain so, but at even greater proportions than caveman movies would have us believe. Urban, middle and upper class people occupy a safer physical world so their focus has more of a chance to occupy the personal and social spheres, while trapping the poorest, most desperate in more of a limbic over ride from the past. Folks in these situations, certainly behave in ways that demonstrate they live in the personal and social spheres, but the dynamics involved might be quite different. If you are comfortable, feel safe, supported; you will tend to echo these conditions in the way you behave towards self and others. If these conditions are the opposite, you are more likely to inhabit these spheres in "survival mode." Consider the contrast between a gang of inner city youth vs a book club in a university town.

I know I have not connected the dots here...but, as usual, I bit off more than I can chew. There is a connection with political ideology that begins with the topic I've been writing about, and transcends current political debate...but I'm weary of this. If I hear back, I may pick up where I left off.

bring it up because I think this myopic mindset has infected the right and left political camps.

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I love this: "“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” current and future laws and public policies should be examined through this lens. " And I fully agree. We should examine all the "Christian Sharia" laws and repeal them. You know, the ones that ban homosexuality and attack drag queens, and the BS of "In God We Trust" on currency, and of course, the "under God" phrase added to the pledge of allegiance by crazy Christians... Let's get ALL the religious gobbledygook out of my secular world.

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well...in that case, the rainbow paraphenalia in schools etc. needs to go. There are no laws on the books that ban what 2 consenting adults do in privacy. This extends to the public sphere...which is why we such crazy exhibitionism theses days. The idea that drag queens should be reading books to elementary kids SHOULD be attacked for a number of reasons.

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Sounds like you want to keep the "Handmaidens Tale" world view going in post-modern America. Why do you dislike discussing real history?

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Handmaiden's tale is a warning against religious and governmental totalitarianism based on sex. The author is posting a warning against religious and governmental totalitarianism based on political ideology. In both cases, there is a leap from empirical science to faith. If you don't see progressive wokism as similar, in some respects; please explain how such ridiculous assertions such as "men can become women," are crippling intellectual discourse in universities and other institutions. Dylan Mulvaney is a poster child for some of this. How did a man who pretends to be a bimbo of a woman, capture the hearts of so many? How did private behavior become public identity and turn our public world into such a dysfunctional circus.

I'll leave it at that as I need to run and attend a mostly peaceful BLM rally where fbi and right wing agitators are setting fire to buildings and looting stores. Should I go in drag knowing I might get assaulted by protesters? I jus kidding

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1 Corinthians 4:5 & 5:12.

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